Since inception of this project improvement in families is being realized, we have adoption of various agricultural techniques and even being taught to other community members and neighbors by the trainees. So far 5745 people have been reached with the trainings and various families have impressed adoption of income generating activities and this is especially;
- Poultry production
- Horticulture production
- Banana production
- Sustainable land management practices
- Dairy production
Families can afford basic needs i.e food on the table and some savings.

After the capacity development Matunda, Endebess/soymining, Kitalale, Moisbridge, Salama , and Kwanza formed Associations whereby they have been doing village saving and loaning. In this model the members meet monthly and contribute share which they loan to themselves and bring with a 10% interest monthly. They are also legally registered by the Government of Kenya. The cumulative savings and shares for the groups have grown with time. Members are assessing some loans which is aiding them in purchasing farm inputs and also meeting basic needs. Currently Matunda Association have made 9000 dollars circulating among themselves. This trainings were indeed timely and an answered prayer.
Salama bay leaf church
As a result of the trainings Salama Bayleaf church was started. This is an area which was really affected by the post elections violence. We have many widows and orphans after their husbands and parents died during the violence. Most of the people are HIV positive. There was a need of planting a church there. We thank God for the Salvation of the people of Salama, currently the church is really growing.
Below Salama class, which was the class with highest number of participants
From A Casual Labourer To An Entreprenuer
-Geoffrey Njau and his wife Mary Wangeci Njau are the real picture of a success story.To them life has been so difficult.Being a young couple with no income ,no employment and not learned life was so hard even getting a meal and fending for their young ones was difficult.Due to this difficulties Geoffrey ventured into casual laboring.He used to load and offload several 90kgs bags of Maize from trucks.From the pay of 200ksh /2 dollars per day he could atleast buy food for his family.This was specifically during harvest season.When the season is not so good he could go weed and plough peoples farms in order to feed his family.
-After we came in contact with him,he joined our classes for training and he got interested in poultry production enterprise.He bought 20 chicks and started rearing them.When they matured after 4 months he gave them each 10 eggs .After 21 days they hatched and he got 185 chicks which he reared .From the skills he received and the training he got he has been able to expand the project.Currently he is doing 700 layers and selling 20 crates of eggs daily at 330 /= each getting 6,660/= and ksh.198,000 per month.He is so grateful to Bayleaf Baptist Church North Carolina for sponsoring this trainings.From this he is able to meet his basic needs.He has build his own house,his kids are going to school and his family can now eat a balanced diet.